Boyd filming Josh, photo by Samantha Brunner
So we met up with our friend Josh Oberleas in Crested Butte, CO to catch the last of Oh Be Joyful Creek for the season. With filming ambitions in mind all around, we broke out the GoPro Heros and put an idea Josh had been working on to good use: the GoPro paddle!
Josh Oberleas on the lip, patiently waiting with his GoPro paddle
photo by Samantha Brunner
Josh broke a paddle a while back and decided to put a flat mount on the paddle blade for his GoPro Hero HD. With the broomstick extender in place (high tech lol and true to a paddlers budget), we could hold it out over the drops, follow each other, and create more dramatic motion in our filming. Now obviously I'm sure we're not the first to do this; but it just goes to show that with the small helmet cams these days, a little imagination can go a long ways. I've taken the same idea to my break down, but with extra shaft segments, so it doubles as a filming tool... pretty sweet!
Boyd Ruppelt dropping in under the paddle cam while Josh films
photo by Samantha Brunner